Saving Communities Time and Money

The costs attributed to concrete lifting are largely based on mobilization; that is, the cost of moving people and machinery to different areas of a city or region to work. When an entity decides to choose concrete lifting over replacement for multiple spots that are close together, they can be looking at some large-scale savings. Take Home Owner Associations, or HOA’s, for example. Two of their primary goals are to ensure the safety of all of the residents in their area and to maintain the beauty and functionality of all community infrastructure. Through concrete lifting they are presented with a means of ensuring both of these goals, while simultaneously saving the community a great deal of money when compared to the alternative of replacement.

Why Have Our Concrete Lifted?

The reasons to preserve the beauty and safety of a community are extensive. For prospective homeowners, the perception of a neighborhood can be altered by seeing multiple disruptive construction projects underway while exploring. Similarly, encountering multiple degraded sections of concrete could input a negative impression. As far as safety is concerned, older individuals would be reluctant to move into an area where simply walking around could pose a potential hazard. These problems always need to be fixed, especially in neighborhoods with an older population.

HOA and Community-wide Concrete Lifting Success

When concrete settlement was posing a threat to the beauty and safety of the Kingsmill neighborhood in Williamsburg, Virginia, community leaders knew that something had to be done. Working on a limited budget and not wanting residents to have to deal with the inconvenience of closed sidewalk sections and discolored slabs, replacement was discarded as an option. Over the course of a two day period JACKCRETE was able to correct around 600 feet of settled sidewalk without any area closures exceeding 15 minutes. The Kingsmill Community Services Association (KSCA) greatly appreciated the timeliness of the project, but were more impressed with the affordability. Instead of dealing with a significantly higher cost and week-long repairs, JACKCRETE was able to complete all required repairs within two days without any closures.

KCSA is not the only association to have recognized the efficacy of JACKCRETE. Multiple associations have tagged JACKCRETE as the preferred vendor for required concrete repairs, and different property management companies turn to us to remove dangerous trip hazards that could leave them liable to potential injuries. The reason for this designation is obvious; while other methods of repair are loud, ugly, and costly, polyurethane foam lifting is almost entirely unobtrusive with relatively little cost. Couple this with JACKCRETE’s speed of mobilization and it really is a no-brainer for cash-strapped HOAs and property managers that are trying to maintain the appearance and functionality of their neighborhoods.

Request a Free Concrete Lifting Inspection

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