Concrete Jacking on the Virginia Peninsula

This area is not known for having the best concrete conditions. The combination of unsteady soils, aging infrastructure, and semi-regular flooding gives homeowners in Hampton, Newport News, Yorktown, and Williamsburg quite a bit to worry about in terms of concrete repairs. Whether its something simple like a sunken sidewalk or the interior of a home that’s settling, Jackcrete knows how hard maintaining concrete in this area can be.  

How Often Does Jackcrete Schedule Estimates?

Simply put, constantly. Our headquarters are in the Copeland Industrial Park in Hampton, VA, making traveling to any of the cities on the Virginia Peninsula such as Williamsburg, Yorktown, Hampton, or Newport News a breeze. Generally, we will spend 1-3 days on the Peninsula depending on how many estimate requests we have in the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area or in Northern Virginia and Charlottesville.  We can come out to estimate your sunken concrete project between 8:00am-4:00pm, with special availability upon request (though it may longer to get a quote if you need it done outside those hours).

Depending on the location of the concrete settlement, we don’t have to meet anyone on site. We can just come out and estimate your sunken sidewalk, porch, or driveway and shoot over a proposal the following day. For more intrusive areas such as an interior slab or garage slab, we will wait until we can meet.

Jackcrete’s Work, by the Numbers

We’ve done work for the city of Hampton, the city of Newport News, and the city of Yorktown, as well as for many local contractors and businesses. We’ve saved homeowners over $900,000 versus the cost of replacement, and have completed over 700 projects to date. Sidewalk settlement and driveway settlement are the two biggest issues faced by residents of the Peninsula, with garage settlement coming in closely behind.

If you’re interested in getting a quote for repairs, fill out our estimate request form or give us a call. While you’re at it, learn more about the most common problems in your area such as sidewalk settlement, sinking garages, and settled driveways. If you’re still a bit confused on what it is we do or how we do it, check out our handy article on common concrete lifting questions.

Request a Free Concrete Lifting Inspection

Leave your information below and our team will reach out to learn a bit more about your issue and schedule an inspection.